Gord Atkinson’s Showbill

The Crosby Years

Gord first met Bing Crosby at Paramount Pictures in Hollywood, August 14, 1945, the day that the Second World War ended. His first radio program in 1948, on behalf of the Club Crosby, established a long lasting association and friendship with Bing Crosby that inspired Gord to write, narrate and produce The Crosby Years. This 14 hour authorized musical anthology earned him the prestigious Armstrong Award from Columbia University and a U.S. National Radio Award in 1975. The series was broadcast around the world and re-broadcast globally following the death of the legendary star. It is now available in a collection of updated CDs. It was the basis of a subsequent book, Bing, A Voice for All Seasons, published in 1984 and co-authored with Sheldon O’Connell.

Bing Crosby was the most popular entertainer of his time and had perhaps a greater impact on show business than any other performer of the 20th century. MCA Records, who own all his Brunswick/Decca records that were produced between 1931 and 1957, back up that statement with staggering figures.

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Gord Atkinson: Ottawa’s Oldest Teenager – The Campus Years

This book is dedicated to those young-at-heart radio listeners. By gathering material from Gord’s weekly Ottawa Citizen columns, his radio interviews, and interviews he conducted with some of his Campus Corner and Campus Club listeners, we have attempted to capture some of the excitement of that era.


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